Friday 25 February 2011

Chennai - Best City In India To Host Tech.Ed

I find that Chennai is the best city in India to host Tech.Ed. In South India, Chennai has been the origination spot of development and progress from the past many decades. The proximity to Airport and shorter distance to travel from Mumbai and Bangalore makes it easier for people from both places to attend the function. Another added advantage is that it's affordable for most of the people coming to participate in conferences and other shows, in Chennai to stay there. The place has lots of economic motels and excellent food. Chennai also has the branches of most of the Multi National IT Companies. This would attract the software geeks from every corner of the city into the Microsoft Tech.Ed. India's top rated Institutions like Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), SRM University and the close by Vellore University is sure to send out battalion of students to sharpen their skills and showcase their talents for the Tech.Ed. Chennai also have good infrastructure and internal transport facilities. There are also plenty of state-of-art stages to host the event. For the introduction and education of the bunch of Microsoft break through technologies and concepts, it would be a good location to find both students and IT Professionals alike. Chennai is the Second largest exporter of software and information technology enabled service in India. It's also easier for the people from Mumbai and Bangalore to come and attend the function at Chennai whereas going to Bangalore from Mumbai is very hectic. Popularizing the new technology to neighboring crowded states would thus become lot easier. The city is pretty hot during the summer season, so choosing to host the Tech.Ed during a good climate would unquestionably make Chennai the ultimate destination for all the tech geeks in and around Chennai!